Sunday, March 7, 2010


In a blog I wrote earlier this semester I told you all about how I had been going to Transy's Career Development Center to work on getting a resume (insert appropriate accents...) put together so that I could start looking for some internships. To my surprise, the search for an internship was both easier and faster than I could have ever of imagined, at being a student at Transy takes a lot of the credit.

About two weeks ago an ad was posted on Columns (Transy's internal website available to the campus community that posts different events on and around campus) for people interested in interning for the Beshear/Abramson 2011 reelection campaign. Being a (prospective, self designed) Political Communications Major I quickly sent the appropriate emails to express my interest.

Only days later I received a call from someone at the campaign asking me to come to the Kentucky Democratic Headquarters Office in Frankfort for an interview. You have no idea how excited was! I immediately started preparing. I fine-tuned my resume to apply specifically for this position, typed up a list of references, and even compiled a massive binder containing information on Governor Beshear and Mayor Abramson so that I could study up and be prepared for any question that they might ask me.

The interview was Friday and I was sooo ready. I went in, dressed very nicely (If I do say so myself). I was taken back to the office of the (I am pretty sure) top Campaign Manager. I was asked two questions and then immediately offered the job. I could not believe it! I was completely ecstatic. From what I gather they made a specific appeal for Transy students, and that alone was essentially enough for them.

Now, I don't want to imply that if you come to Transy you will never have any difficulty finding a job, internship, or things like that. No college has that kind of advantage. So don't take that out of the story. It is true, however, that Transy administration (and workers in the Career Development Center) work very hard to network on behalf of Transy students, and that definitely comes in handy!

Have a good week!


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