Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Career: The Reason We Are Here

Hey all. Sorry about being a day late, hopefully you didn't miss me too much! I didn't find time to blog yesterday because of my new on-campus job. That's right, I'm crazy. Now, not only do I work in the library 7.5 hours a week, I also spend 6 hours on a weekly basis working in the Admissions Office chatting with prospective students (you guys!) on the phone. I love it though, so it hardly feels like work. That being said, though, start looking for my new blogs on Sunday nights, starting this Sunday. That should be a much easier day to keep as a deadline (it is also my deadline for the campus newspaper, The Rambler, so, while hectic, it will be easy to remember!)

This week I'm going to talk to you about one of the less mentioned really, really strong aspects of our campus: the Career Center. It is amazing. The Career Center is an office right beside the Raf (The student grill, if you haven't been keeping up, lol) that, as the name suggests, helps students with career planning and all the things that go along with it. Working there are two amazing people: Mrs. Rayner and Mr. Cronk.

Earlier this year I had met with Mrs. Rayner just for a preliminary meeting. I was really just introducing myself, making sure they knew who I was, and letting the Career Center know some of my interests. That meeting, while helpful, was pretty uneventful. Yesterday, however, I met with Mr. Cronk about my resume (insert appropriate accents over the two e's, lol). I had sent it to him over Christmas Break.

You may wonder why I am already, in my first-year, writing a resume. The answer is pretty simple. First, I plan to stay in the same organiazations, and do have the same jobs, all throughout college, so it won't change much. Even if it does, a resume is a great way to keep track of it all. Secondly, I am looking for an internship this summer and, of course, to apply I need a resume.

But back to Mr. Cronk. He is like the master of making a resume. He really is. The things he taught me about better communicating my experience through my resume were simply amazing. They were things that I would have never dreamed of. I can't wait to find the extra time and spruce my resume up using the suggestions he taught me. Anyone else out there looking for an internship in the journalism or political fields should be scared; I will be armed with a deadly resume. (Yeah, maybe I just wen a little overboard there...)

Anyway, that is just another thing to think about. Before I go, though, let me inform you of two very important dates.

January 30th: Winter Open House. Simmilar to the open house we had on Halloween, this will be a time for you all to come, meet with administrators, admissions officers, professors, and students and see Transy in person. Definitely mark your calendars!

February 1st: This is bolded because it is sooooo important.This is the Regular Decision Deadline for Admission. To be considered for scholarships, you must apply by this date. Also, those who apply after this date will only be offered admission on a space-available basis. Don't forget Apply Now!

It is also time to start filling out your FAFSA! Anyway, that's enough of me throwing reminders out to you. So I'll talk to you on Sunday!


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