Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas

Hey Guys, I was just laying in bed thinking (as I do a lot) and thought I would get up real quick and just give a quick update and wish you all a final Merry Christmas.

I have been home for a few days now, and, though I am not unhappy with home, I really miss Transy. I just got so used to the perpetual and convenient socialization it is hard to go back home where if you want to do something you have to call a few people, find a place to hangout, and drive. At Transy (and in fairness, probably most Universities) you just have to open your door and socialization awaits. Then again, I wonder, do all college students miss their school when they are on breaks? I called some friends up (both high school and Transy friends) and all of my Transy friends miss it, two of my friends who attend other universities do not, and one friend who goes somewhere else does miss school.

I have hardly done anything productive so far (which is a good thing!) but I keep stopping myself in the middle of a Christmas movie or playing The Sims 3 and thinking I have a paper to write or a test to study for.

Anyway, I hope everything is going great on your end. I'm sure you aren't missing school, maybe it is just me. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, which is when I essentially have all of my Christmas festivities-- I can't wait!

Merry Christmas!

JR Hawkins (My attempt to be more like JK Rowling)

PS- Please excuse the incredibly dorky Rugrats images. I was filling in touch with my inner child earlier and watched an old VHS of the Rugrats Christmas special. Yeah, I know, major dork move...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Semester Gone...

My first blog post was titled "The Start of Something New" I don't think I could have put it better, now that my semester of college is over. I can't believe it, I really can't. It seems like not long ago I was a senior in High School eagerly anticipating the day that I would finally be a college student. Now, here I am a semester already under my belt. Yeah, I know one semester doesn't seem like much, but it is a dramatic life change.

One semester has brought me into a whole new world of experiences, new friends, new mentors, and, yes, new knowledge. My roommate and I had a conversation the other day about how, even though we have fallen into a routine and don't notice it, life is completely different than it used to be.

The differences of life, however, are not negative. While I do wish I still could throw my laundry in a hamper and not have to worry about how it got back into my closet clean, I wouldn't give up all the great experiences that independence brings just so I wouldn't have to do my own laundry.

It is also unbelievable how much I have learned. I can have a lengthy conversation about anything from Utilitarianism to the constant struggle of the individual versus society and vise-versa. I can talk about the etymology of the English words thanks to my Latin experiences, and I can take more from a news program after learning about framing, spinning, and other media tactics.

In less than 24 hours I leave the place know affectionately as "The Transy Bubble" for the longest time since I got here. I can't wait to be back in my hometown with family and just completely relax for a few weeks, but at the same time I am going to miss Transy, really miss it. Transy has become my home.

I hope you all have a great holiday. Eat plently, sleep a lot, have fun with friends, bond with family. For those High School seniors out there: enjoy it. Once scholl starts back in January it will be a race to graduation. This break will be your last chance to completely relax before Graduation.

Unless I have a great inspiration I probably won't write any blogs over the break. So this will be the last time I talk to you all this, well what do I say: semester, year, decade? Well, anyway, I will talk to you all again in January.

Until Then,

Jake Ryan Hawkins

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winding Down...

Hey guys! I am day or so late on this week's post, so I apologize. I do have a very good excuse, though. I was (and still am) sick :(. I woke up Tuesday morning really dizzy and light-headed, so I went to the nurse and discovered I have ear infections in both ears. Not fun at all. The good thing, however, is that Transy has amazing Health Services. They keep antibiotics in stock and was able to get my prescription automatically at no charge!

Sickness aside, this week has been great. The semester is winding to a close. At time of posting, I actually only have one day of classes left. It is amazing that the semester flew by so fast! For others, this is a pretty stressful time with finals approaching. I, on the other hand, have no formal finals at all. Don't ask me how I got so lucky; I can't find anyone else in this situation, but I am definitely not complaining.

Since I have extra time on my hands, I was able to spend a little time this weekend doing some volunteer work. If you remember my first post I told you about the First-Year Urban Program (FUP). Though the main focus of FUP is an intense week of community service projects before the start of term, it does provide some opportunities throughout the semester to volunteer. This weekend, a few of us got together and went to the Salvation Army's warehouse in charge of the Lexington Angel Tree Program.

We helped bag, sort, and take inventory of the donations made to kids. This program works through generous people sponsoring a specific child, so all we had to do was make sure that the gifts donated to the individual children were age/size appropriate. The warehouse also had a massive stock of spare toys, so we made sure that every child had at least two toys in their bag (a lot of times clothes were the big donations), if they didn't we went and picked some out for them.
It was very fulfilling work. It was a bit sad, however. There were tons of donations, but you could still see all the children who hadn't been sponsored. If you look at the picture, all of the white squares on the floor are empty bags of unsponsored children.
Next week will be my last planned blog until next decade (lol, meaning January of course). I plan for it to be a bit of a sentimental reflection on my first semester in college.
Until then, study hard for any finals you may have!

Jake Hawkins

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Hey guys, I hope you all had a wonderful, filling, and restful Thanksgiving Break. I want to apologize for the lack of an update last week. Those last few days were very hectic and I never found the time, and once I got home every minute was scheduled with something. The holidays are definitely busy!

Before the break, I went through what is considered by most to be a Transy "Rite of Passage" and that is Registration. At Transy, registration always goes from Seniors to Freshman and beyond that it goes by the alphabetically alternating each semester. This go around it went from Z-A so I was close to the end, and it definitely made things a bit complicated. I had experimented around with a bunch of different scheduling options. First I tried to put all my classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday then I tired to load them all into Tuesday and Thursday. Then I decided to put two in MWF and two in TTH-- and I stuck with that.

Once I made my final schedule I only had to make one major change. I was wanting to take Intro to Sociology, but both classes got filled up before my registration. It isn't really a big deal though, I can take it next semester! That is one of the good things about scheduling. Sometimes you are forced out of your comfort zones for classes, and it allows new discoveries to be made. I know an upperclassmen told me that she was put into a certain course just because it was one of the last available, and she loved it so much she has changed her major!

With registration and Thanksgiving Break over the countdown to the break begins. I finish up this week and next weeks of classes and then it is finals week, then I'm homebound for about four weeks! I love Transy, but I am definitely looking forward to the extended time home with family and friends.

Before I go I will paste my schedule for the rest of the year below. I am really looking forward to all of the classes. Most of all, however, I am looking forward to finishing the math class. Transy only has one math GE requirement so after it is over I can officially say that I will NEVER have to take another math class again!!

Winter Term 2010

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
DRA-1104-02 Introduction to Drama
J. Cole

Politics of the Middle East

Tuesday, Thursday
Foundations of Liberal Arts 2: Consumerism, Desire, and Identity
S. Fojtova

Into to Contemporary Math

May Term 2010
Special Topic: Civil Liberties
D. Dugi

See you guys later!
