Sunday, November 28, 2010

Funerals, Sickness, and Politics

Hello people. I can honestly say I hope you all have had a better time than I since my last blog. Not that I'm not thankful for Thanksgiving and the break is brought with it, but when it is coupled with a grandmother's funeral and a very nasty stomach bug, it is just not as enjoyable.
Don't worry, I won't be all gloomy for this blog, so you can keep reading. Other than that things haven't been that bad, and, really, the death in my family made me realize how lucky I am to be at such a great school. I emailed my professors and work study supervisor and let them know that I had to leave a few days before Thanksgiving break. This was on a Sunday, and within 4 hours all had responded with their condolences and assurances that I would be excused and would be helped to catch up upon my return.

Now that Thanksgiving break 2010 is history, there are only 2 weeks of classes and a week of finals remaining. It really is a scary thought. I have so much to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to make it. Plus I have the Christmas season to help me make it through.

I've told you before I live off campus this year, which means I have a living room in which to put up a full-size Christmas tree! I am pretty much in love with it. It is a cozy feeling to be able to study beside it :)

This week will also feature something pretty exciting. Though I'm not exactly on par with her political beliefs, Sarah Palin will be in Lexington to sign copies of her newest book at Joseph Beth Booksellers. I will be going there to cover the event as per my duties as News Editor. We are calling around trying in desperation to secure even just 5 minutes worth of time to interview her (I mean seriously, how awesome would that be to interview a possible Presidential candidate?) Keep your fingers crossed for us, and I'll let you know how it goes. At the very least I should be able to interview her spokesperson or something...

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