Sunday, November 7, 2010

Major, Registration, etc.

Hey guys, I hope everything has been going well for you all. Everything is going great here, my favorite time of year is slowly creeping up (I'm sorry, I love Christmas). I just bought decorations for my apartment, and I'm itching to put them up!

Currently, however, I'm hard at work with trying to decide my schedule for next semester and May Term (In case you don't know, May Term is a month-long semester at Transy where you take one class everyday). It will be a new experience, because Transy has moved to an online registration system. It will be new for all of us. I hope it goes well.

I don't think I've ever announced it on here, but I recently declared my major! I originally came into Transy planning to major in Political Science. However, after taking some courses from poly sci and other subjects, I ultimately decided on a different route (and this is totally doable. At Transy, you don't ever declare a major you first year, so you can change your mind). My major is, officially: Writing, Rhetoric, and Communication. Popularly called WRC, this major is unique to Transy and combines your traditional Communication major with an emphasis on writing and more focus on classical communication (and some Philosophy). I really enjoy it, and I'm still minoring in Political Science.

Now that I've declared a major I was allowed to pick a new adviser. When you come to Transy you are assigned a random adviser, that may not be in your field of study. I loved my assigned adviser, but it was definitely beneficial for me to pick one in my major. We've already met several times, and I've got a great plan mapped out for the rest of my time at Transy.

I will let you guys know how registration goes. Keep your fingers crossed for me in hopes that the courses I want aren't full before my turn to register!

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