Sunday, October 24, 2010

Come as you are.

Hey guys, I'll just keep typing and pretend the whole two week lapse in blogging didn't happen. :)

I'm typing this blog update hoping it calms me down a bit, and keeps me awake. I just received a rather exciting phone call a few hours ago telling me that I will soon be an uncle. Labor and delivery of Liam Kole (love the name!) has begun. It's 2:17am and I'm sitting in my living room waiting on my mom to come get here so we can go to Louisville together to welcome the baby! Hopefully we make it there before he makes it out ! :)

Anyway, this week I want to talk to you about how accepting the Transy community is. To sum it all up, and forgive my lack of creativity in this statement: Transy is an accepting, affirming, and open community (at least in my experiences) and I love it.

I come from a place where differences whether they be in thought, lifestyle, or politics aren't always encouraged. I knew when looking for a college I wanted to go to a place that encouraged discourse, and was accepting of everyone. Transy, and really Lexington in general really did strike me as that place.

Last week, on October 20, a nationwide, grassroots movement took place, and was dubbed "Spirit Day." You may have seen the many facebook groups about it. The idea was to wear purple, which represents spirit, in memory of the teens and young adults that have recently committed suicide as a result of bullying due to sexual identity, perceived or factual (Tyler Clementi of Rutgers University is one of the many you may have heard of.) Wearing purple was a tribute to their memory, but was also a call to arms to end bullying and discrimination.

I knew from the moment I heard of the campaign that I would wear purple, and the same could be said for several of my close friends. I, however, did not expect the scene that I was greeted with when walking onto campus on the 20th. Students, faculty and staff everywhere seemed to be participating. It was overwhelming, it really was. I would say close to half of the student body wore purple (just by looking, no actual figures) and there were several professors wearing purple too.

It was extremely heartening to see it, it really was. The fact that so many of my peers cared about an issue and took a stance was incredible-- the fact that it was an issue close to my heart made it even more special. It was one of those moments in your college career where you stop and just think "Wow, I made the right choice in coming here."

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Update to come tomorrow!

Hey guys, I knormally update on Sunday but I'm going to hold off until tomorrow this week. There is an event occurring on campus tomorrow that I'd like to tell you about.

Until then,


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Expanding my Transy Experience

Hey guys, I hope this week has treated you all well and that you're weekend has been fun and relaxing. Due to a minor injury (running related) I had to take the weekend off from work, so I got to enjoy myself much more than I would if I had to wake up at 4:30am to be into work by 5am to serve coffee.

My week started off pretty stressful, actually. The weight of all my classes, extracurriculars, work, and everything else really pressed hard on me. After a bit of re-prioritizing, though, everything started running pretty smoothly.

On Wednesday, I received a rather big surprise in the mail. I was accepted into the Walt Disney College Internship Program. The program is a 7-month long, off campus, experience that will, hopefully, give me great experience with one of the largest companies in the world. In addition to the internship, which is paid, you live in Disney World-- which you have to admit will be pretty awesome. When you're not working/interning, you take classes at the on site university. You also have unlimited, free access to all the parks!

Now, before I say for sure I'm going I have a few things I have to do. Obviously, this has to be approved by Transy. I've already been approved for 2 units of credit for the internship portion. Now, to remain full time, I just have to get the registrar to approve the courses onsite as distance learning courses through Transy. Transy has had students participate in this program before, so I don't really anticipate much hesitance. I'll keep you updated, though.

Now, I'll obviously be leaving campus for this, but I think I will be okay with it. A vast majority of students at Transy study abroad, so having a few friends being gone for a semester is somewhat normal at Transy.

Anyway, the excitement surrounding this acceptance has really been all I have been able to think about this week, so, naturally, that's all I can blog about. Maybe next week I'll have something a bit more Transy oriented for you!

Happy October!

Jake Hawkins