At Transy all first-years move in before the rest of campus and participate in a bunch of activities that combine fun, awkwardness, and even life-lessons... with just a dash of corny. That is called, as you may have guessed, orientation. It really is a great weekend.
An orientation activity that sticks out for most people is “Choices 101:” a program where the Student-Orientation Leaders (or SOL’s for short) put on skits depicting different social circumstances that could pose a conflict. It was absolutely hilarious, but still informative. I particularly enjoyed the parody where a facebook addict wasted all her time stalking people online. It was presented as a farce, but definitely reminded me that I can't take a break from homework every five
If you look at the picture to the left you will see a depiction of two SOL's during Choices 101. If I remember correctly the two people in this picture were madly in love/lust with each other and let that show, rather deeply, in his dorm; which, naturally, ticked off the roommate who is not shown in the picture.
Funny story: right as the class of ’13 and I were all about to head over to Choices 101 it started raining. Hard. We were all running from the residence halls, across the street, and into Brown Science Center. Along the way several people lost sandals in mini rivers, all got soaked (even those, like me, who tried to defeat Mother Nature with an umbrella). It was very funny, in retrospect, seeing us all freak out because of the water.
I almost forgot to mention the Transy traditions: Greet Line and Serenade. It is pretty flipping awesome. First, we separate by gender. The guys and girls, respectively, learned some songs to sing to each other. Just to illustrate the hilarity I’ll tell you that one of the songs the guys sang was “Like a First Year” which is an original Transy composition to the tune of “Like a Virgin.” Simply hysterical. After the serenade we all circled up for the greet line (Is it weird that the greet line is actually a circle?). In the greet line every member of the Class of ’13 introduces his or her self to each other. Specifically, you bump knuckles. Originally (like back in the day originally) you would hug, but then it changed to hand shakes up until this year. The threat of swine flu prompted the change this year to knuckle bumping. It was more sanitary, yes, but after numerous bumps my knuckles were pretty sore.
There was also a discussion about Greek Life. At the moment I am almost positive I will stay indie (that is not a part of any Greek organization). However, some people, mainly the FUP leaders, have me almost convinced to at least go through recruitment and see what I think. The jury is still deliberating on that one, but I will definitely let you know how it goes. After the Greek presentation there was an appetizing pleasure: “Slice of Transy.” Which is a very fun pizza social. Several local pizza joints have their cuisine represented and we all get to eat as much as we want. I have to say Mad Mushroom probably had the best pizza.
I have saved the best event for last: Bubblepalooza. It is the absolute most awesome thing known to man. Outside there is a giant inflatable cage and there is this huge pump literally filling the cage with thick, foamy bubbles. Now you add music brought to you by WTLEX (Transy’s own radio station) and the majority of the first-years, and you have the most massive rave known to man. This, I have to say, is reason enough to come to Transy (Well, maybe not. Almost, though, almost).
Anyway guys, remember the drill. COMMENT! I'll talk to you all next week.
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